Thursday, November 5, 2009

My Bid for Freedom

Just a quick update...

I have the Swine flu and am officially in isolation which wouldn't be so bad if I had a working computer, but due to a faulty power converter (a.k.a. Chinese piece of crap) I nearly had an electrical fire in my apartment. Luckily was home when the outlet started to pop and smoke, unluckily my computer was plugged into it. I hope to order a new power cord from the Seoul Apple store next week when I reintegrate with society.

On Monday I went with the masses to the hospital to be poked and proded and given medicine for the Swine flu. The Swine isn't so bad, just a cold that makes you tired and poop a whole lot, but it's become an epidemic in Asia and they are trying to keep it from mutating and killing loads of people like SARS did a couple of years ago. Hence my isolation.

So for the last 4 days I have spent every moment in my studio apartment. I used to think it was a decent size... It wouldn't be so bad if I had the Internet. Life without the Internet is barely worth living. No kidding. But as I have found myself without my trusty Mac, I have no way to watch movies, listen to music or call friends/family while under the influence of Ambien. What's a kid to do? I've been watching a lot of Korean t.v., it's actually not too bad either.

I've been watching a lot of the Olympic-qualifying Games, naturally I cheer for Korea and hope the Japanese fall on their butts -- on a whole, Koreans don't much care for the Japanese. I'm also privy to the nature shows, which are hilarious in another language. Lately I've been narrating the footage of National Geographic, and I tell you, I amaze myself with how witty I am! Too bad no one is around to appreciate the depths of my hilarity. There are also plenty of infomercials to keep me entertained, just imagine American infomercials on crack. I've never seen people so excited to mop!

Luckily you can always count on catching an episode The Simpson's regardless of what country you are in. It plays 2x a day here. There are also plenty of Steven Segall and Martin Larewence films to be had by all, though it does make me question the nature of torture. I was elated beyond all reason when I found Harry Potter and the Chamber of Secrets, I called my friend Val to tell her what I was going to watch next. Really, I did.

So how am I writing this, you may wonder. Well, I've made a bid for freedom. I have infiltrated a cyber-cafe less than one block from my apartment. Incidently it is the only facility in all of Korea that allows smoking inside. I am tempted to cough on random smokers to teach them an important public health lesson: 'if you smoke, you get the Swine.' It just may be the detterant they need.

Well, perhaps I should sneak back to my apartment, the smell of cigerette's and Axe is getting to me. I will write a proper post once I get my computer up and running.

Rots of Rove

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